Manage your payments and collections with Allmybanks
When all of the entities within your group use the same software for your payments and collections, the security of your banking operations is reinforced.

Payment and collections management in Cegid Allmybanks
- Paiyments
- Collections
- Control of your data
Manage your ISO 20022, SEPA (SCT), MT101 payments and national formats with Cegid Allmybanks
Cegid Allmybanks can handle any international, European or national payment orders your company may require while preventing duplicate entries, either by integrating files created by your other management systems, Find out more or by using online modules:
- International transfers (XML ISO 20022, CFONB 320)
- SEPA transfers (Pain 001.001.02, Pain 001.001.03, Pain 001.002.03)
- SEPA instant credit transfer
- Domestic transfers (CFONB 160, CBI 120, BACS 175, DTA 128)

How can I validate my payments in the Cegid Allmybanks application while continuing to follow in-house procedures?
All bank transfer orders undergo a validation workflow adapted to your specific needs according to transaction type and amounts required.
Once the validation rules for your workflow have been defined in Cegid Allmybanks, they are automatically applied to each remittance entered online or sent from your management software.
Order remittances may also specify one or two digital signatures before transmission.
Payment files are audited by our partners Trustpair and Sis ID (third party control platforms)
How can I dematerialise my orders?
Two solutions are available in Cegid Allmybanks:
- If you have a management tool installed (ERP, accounting, payroll) that generates standardised files (SEPA or ISO 20022, for example), you can check these and then transmit them to your bank (standardised import).
- In some of your subsidiaries or for particular orders, where you do not have a management tool installed, you can either:
- Import orders in text format with separators (CSV or Excel)
- Or enter your transactions online directly, using simple forms. Duplicate entries are avoided thanks to a database of beneficiaries
How can I trace my sent remittances using PSR, ACK or ARA?
The PSR (Payment Status Report), ACK and ARA are files sent by the bank to let you know the status of payment orders you have sent.
There are two types of files:
- The technical PSR or ACK, for protocol messages signifying successful completion of remittance processing
- The application PSR or ARA for processing messages from your banks
In Cegid Allmybanks, you have all the tools you need to make best use of these files:
- View the PSR, ACK and ARA files
- Carry out automatic reconciliation of the PSR, ACK and ARA with your sent remittances
- Remittance status is automatically updated
- Immediate sending of an alert by e-mail to the person responsible for the transfer in the event of rejection by the bank
Using the PSR, ACK and ARA in this way (depending on your protocols) guarantees you:
- End-to-end monitoring of all remittances you send to the banks
- Reliability of payments you make
Manage your collections in SEPA SDD, ISO 20022 and national formats with Cegid Allmybanks
With the Cegid Allmybanks application, you can process all your international, European and national collections in a way that avoids duplicate entries.
SDD (SEPA Direct Debits)
- Processing of your ISO 20022 direct debit orders
- Importation and transmission of standardised SEPA XML ISO 20022 direct debit files
- SEPA XML ISO 20022 direct debit entry
- Conversion of text files with separators (Excel) to SEPA SDD XML format
- Mandate data processing
- Automatic updates to sequential status
- Administration of mandate data
- Last modification saved
- Track your orders
- File receipt/acknowledgement: viewing and archiving of PSR (Payment Status Reports) (pain.002.001.02 and pain.002.001.03)
- Reports of failed direct debits: view and download (camt.054), with status updated in lists
- Receipt and processing of direct debit correction statements (change of IBAN of debtors)
- Management of a debtor database
B.O.E, collection and discounting
- Management of your B.O.E, statement of promissory notes
- Import and send standardised files CNAB 400, CFONB, RIBA , etc. (from your management software)
- Discounting/Collection entry
- Creation and management of your LCR portfolio (monitoring of outstanding amounts by drawer and by maturity)
- Track transmissions
- View and download statements of rejected B.O.E
- View and archive pain.002.001.02 and pain.002.001.03 PSRs
Other transaction types
- Sending cheque remittance files (TLMC)
- Receipt and consultation of rejected TIP (Interbank Payment Orders) and TEP (Electronic Payment Orders) statements
Control your data with Cegid Allmybanks
With Cegid Allmybanks, you are able to import and export your data at any time, avoiding superfluous entries:
- Standardised banking remittances entered online (ISO 20022, MT101, national formats)
- Variable amounts for transfers and direct debits with a single due date
- Unpaid reports
- History of remittances sent and transactions received
- Details of orders entered online
- Third-party database
You are therefore entirely autonomous and in control of your data.
Risk of fraud is reduced
Confidentiality of sensitive payments is assured (salaries, dividends, director's fees, etc.)
Your orders are dematerialised and fully traceable (PSR)
One software to communicate with all your banks
By allowing you to communicate with all your banks from a single application, Cegid Allmybanks brings you the following benefits:
- Control of security through the centralised management of authorisations and payment procedures (double validation, digital signature)
- Guaranteed compliance with the formats required by your banks (SEPA, ISO, national formats)
- Dematerialisation of orders rarely used (withdrawal of faxes and cheques)
- Maximum traceability of user actions and processed operations, useful for investigating problems or for the needs of your internal auditors
Transparent international payments with SWIFT gpi
Follow up on your international payments in Cegid Allmybanks thanks to SWIFT gpi. This service offered by SWIFT speeds up the processing time of your cross-border payments, guarantees that you have a real-time view of their status and gives you the details of your banking charges debited by the different banks.