Manage your debts and assets with Cegid Allmybanks

In order to avoid the multiplication of financing arrangements, to optimise those in place and control the risks they pose, the treasurer needs to increase their visibility over the debts and assets of all the group’s entities.

Debts and assets

Optimise your visibility over your financing

  • Investments and Financing
  • Charges and fees
  • Risk management

The heads of treasury have a number of tools at their disposal to save and monitor banking investments and financing, classifying them by type of financing arrangement.

All financial instruments created are stored by Cegid Allmybanks in group treasury situation reports.

Your financing

  • Term loans redeemable
  • Leases
  • Credit lines, syndicated loans
  • Purchase and sale of foreign currency

Your investments

  • Term deposits
  • Mutual funds portfolio

Your commitments

  • Commercial leases (landlord or tenant)

In Cegid Allmybanks, you have the facility to generate forecast entries for each investment and financing due date: collections, interest and charges.

Treasurers can configure the conditions of agios contracts (internal or bank) and negotiated bank commissions.

The Cegid Allmybanks software allows you to edit the scales for each account separately or for merged accounts (notional cash pooling), then to calculate the appropriate bank charges. Bank charges are calculated by the module in a way that shows you the possible discrepancies caused by the application of fees to transactions which are contractually exempt.

Across multiple banks, the treasurer is able to calculate fees charged by each bank for a given period, comparing these in order to see:

  • Cashflow allocation for each banking counterparty
  • The fees paid to each bank
Charges and fees
Risk management

For the management of currency and exchange rate risk, we have joined forces with the publisher Finance Active in order to offer you an interface between its Fairways solution (available in SaaS mode) and Cegid Allmybanks.

This partnership means your needs are covered in terms of:

  • Currency risk management and online monitoring of positions
  • Pricing and valuation (barrier option, vanilla option, early termination, etc.)
  • Management of debt, financing and banking transaction valuations (rate swaps, leases, credit lines, etc.)

The interface developed in Cegid Allmybanks allows you to:

  • Retrieve your market data automatically
  • Automatically integrate the forecasts corresponding to the financial transactions
    This interface is pre-configured for use with Fairways by Finance Active, but it can be adapted for other market solutions.

Your forecasts are generated automatically

Real-time visibility of debt and assets

Native interface for use with Finance Active


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