Centralisation of cash and optimisation of costs

A group can manage its financing internally, either through loans or borrowing, or by establishing a cash management agreement.

Intragroup management

The Cegid Allmybanks software's intercompany management functions are based on two principles:

Loan and borrowing management

This enables internal term loans to be recorded, and provides an exhaustive picture of all loans and borrowing among all of the group’s entities.

Current account management

Intercompany accounts are automatically maintained by treasury transactions carried out on the accounts belonging to the corresponding entities (balancing and cash pooling). You can also maintain them by importing data from other software or by entering additional transactions online.

In Cegid Allmybanks, the group can set up simple financing tools alongside the centralisation feature.

These tools allow you to monitor financing for the entire group and manage the needs of each subsidiary through funding modules available to them within the application.

Modules de financement
Rapports de trésorerie

In Cegid Allmybanks, you can also access information on intercompany financing in the group treasury net situation reports.

Automation of daily tasks

Optimisation of group liquidity

Inter-company positions in real time

Reduction in banking costs

Setting up a cash management agreement

In the case of a cash management agreement with one of the group’s entities, each company within the group may grant a mandate (cash management agreements) to another of the group’s companies (the parent company) for this company to manage its treasury.

The parent company can therefore grant and receive advances. Funds will be made available via the current accounts.

In terms of organisation, intercompany management creates a system that avoids chaotic external financial transactions.

In terms of economics, intercompany management is justified by the premise that a company within the group can finance a subsidiary or the parent company on more favourable terms than those offered by the banking market.

Convention de trésorerie


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