Perform treasury balancing with Allmybanks

Using the Cegid Allmybanks software for payment and group treasury management, you can view your forecast balances, consolidating them in value dates by customised groups of accounts (by company).

Cash balances

Balance your balances

Cegid Allmybanks provides you with a very intuitive presentation of your accounts’ forecast balances, and allows you in a few clicks to make balancing transfers from surplus accounts to other accounts, or to transfer funds from subsidiaries to the holding company for example. These operations can be semi-automated thanks to the setting of transfer preparation rules: target balances, ZBA (Zero Balance Account), pivot account, minimum transfers, etc.

Following balancing, in Cegid Allmybanks you can send batch transfers to the validation workflow, and the internal workflow validation rules are automatically applied.

As soon as they are sent to the banks, the transactions corresponding to each transfer are automatically integrated into each subsidiary’s current account.


Automatic calculation of transfers from/to central account

Optimisation of group liquidity (restriction of overdrafts, calls for financing, treasury surplus)

Reduction in financial costs


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