Simplified management of your banking fee statements thanks to the camt.086 format

Banking fee statements summarize all the charges related to the management of a company’s bank accounts (e.g.: account maintenance fees, online services or transaction fees). Today, in order to allow treasurers to consult them online in an easy and transparent way, these statements are sent in the form of dematerialized XML-structured messages, in camt.086 format.
Camt.086, an international format
The first dematerialized banking fee statements appeared in the United States in EDI format at the initiative of TWIST (Transaction Workflow Innovation Standards Team). Because they wanted to make the format international, TWIST developed the XML Twist BSB (Bank Services Billing statement standard) file and partnered with SWIFT in 2012. This partnership led to new specifications of the message in XML format to comply with the international standard ISO 20022. The XML camt.086 file was born.
The data contained in a camt.086 message are valid worldwide and enable better interoperability with different banks and internal systems. With this format, banks have a common basis for structuring their banking fee statement messages in a consistent manner. This makes it easier for treasurers to audit, analyze and compare corporate banking fees.

How is a camt.086 message structured?
A camt.086 message works according to ISO 20022 standards. This standard allows banks and companies to communicate with each other and to gain productivity. All ISO 20022 files follow a common syntax called XML (eXtensible Markup Language).
This computer language makes it possible to structure and prioritize a set of data using tags in order to facilitate the exchange of banking information via the Internet.
Tagging will define the structure, the visual appearance and the meaning of all the data contained in the file.
Thanks to this structure, the XML camt.086 format offers a real international harmonization of the message.
Centralize the management of your banking fee statement in Cegid Allmybanks
The management of banking fees mobilizes a lot of energy for the financial department of a company, especially if the latter has several bank accounts, in different banks. Being able to receive, consult and analyze your banking fee statement in a single tool is a great time saver. The Cegid Allmybanks software allows you to do just that: the application supports banking fee statements in an ISO 20022 camt.086 format.
Once you have received your statements in the application, you can consult the details of each of your bank statements with the amounts excluding VAT and including VAT of each charge. You can also view the general information contained in the statement, and keep a synthetic view.
Lastly, you have the possibility to analyze the evolution of your charges by account and by bank over time and according to the criteria of your choice (bank counterparty or type of service for example)